Penn Branch Community - Page 3

DC Office of Planning To Host Townhall About Small Area Plan for Pennsylvania Avenue East

DC-Office of PlanningThe DC Office of Planning (OP) is developing a Small Area Plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue East corridor. The plan will focus on enhancing a safe, accessible, and vibrant public realm; encouraging economic development and retail opportunities; improving transportation access and connectivity; and exploring housing opportunities to improve access for upward mobility. It is important that throughout this planning process you make your voice heard! To get involved, visit the project website ( to learn more, register for updates, provide critical feedback through the online survey, and sign-up for the first community townhall meeting!

The first community townhall will be held on Wednesday, April 14 at 6:00pm. The virtual meeting will be broadcast online at: If you are unable to join online, you can also dial-in at: 855-925-2801 (pin: 9252).

Thanks for getting involved in the Pennsylvania Avenue East Small Area Plan. If you have questions about the plan, you can reach out to the OP project team at [email protected] or call: 855-925-2801 (pin: 9252).

Relieving Cabin Fever

Stan Benton, PBCA President
Stan Benton, PBCA President

As COVID-19 keeps trying all of our patience, we hope to relieve some of your cabin fever by having a panel of speakers at this week’s meeting that’ll talk about the parks and recreation in the area.

Hopefully, this will give you new ideas on things you can do safely outside the house.  The COVID vaccine rollout isn’t going as smooth as it could be. Those that meet the requirements (65 and older and/or working in a health care setting in DC) should regularly check out DC’s Coronavirus website at to see where they can sign up to receive the vaccine. I highly recommend everyone to go to that website and sign up for their alerts via email or text. This will help keep you up to date on the latest COVID issues for DC residents. Let’s check in on our neighbors to see if they need assistance with those tasks.

As you know, the Block Captains are an essential part of our PBCA communications. If you don’t know who your Block Captain is or if you are not receiving email updates from us, please let us know by dropping us a note at: [email protected], or by giving me a call at 240-416-9221 . And lastly, we have many new neighbors. If you’re not a PBCA member yet, please either reach out to your Block Captain or get on our website at to join.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

Stan Benton,
PBCA President

Calling All Cooks and Bakers for the Penn Branch Recipe Project!


We need your recipes for the Penn Branch Community Cookbook

The PBCA Board is putting together a Penn Branch Community Cookbook and we want to include you!  Since we have fewer opportunities to plan in-person events and interact with families across the neighborhood during the pandemic, this is an opportunity for long-time residents and younger families to connect through cooking.

We will gather together the recipes into a document and post them on the PBCA website.


PBCA Official Statement Regarding Violence at the U.S. Capitol


We are outraged by the violent extremist attacks on the U.S. Capitol today that aimed to subvert our sacred democratic processes and principles.

Our first concern is for the health and safety of our community and our fellow Washingtonians, especially when so many are already suffering the consequences of a failed response to COVID-19. Many in Penn Branch have dedicated their lives to public service, and we stand in solidarity with those brave civil servants and elected officials working now to ensure our democratic procedures continue and the will of the American people is upheld.

Though these abhorrent events happened just blocks away from our community, they could not be farther from the values we stand for in Penn Branch. We cherish democracy, justice, peace, and unity. We abide by the U.S. Constitution, the law, and the agreements we have adopted as a community. We believe in truthfulness and public debate informed by verifiable facts. We respect each other and resolve disagreements peacefully through dialogue.

Today’s violence is the predictable outcome of years of anti-democratic escalation by national leaders and some of their supporters. The attacks, the unacceptable incitement that preceded them, and the woefully inadequate response were fueled in-part by longstanding injustices in the United States.

Systemic racism undermines democracy and must be fully dismantled if our country is to live up to its founding ideals and thrive. Civil society organizations, including ours, have an important role to play in perfecting our union. We pledge to work with all of you to find the best ways to carry-out this responsibility.

We call on all community associations in the District of Columbia and nationwide to speak-out in defense of our democracy and join our community in taking action to address these existential challenges.


Statement from the Penn Branch Community Association Board of Directors (01-06-2021)

PBCCA Virtual General Body Meeting – Tuesday, 9/8/2020 @ 7:00 pm


PBCCA will host its first virtual General Body Meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 2020 @ 7:00 pm.

Please see the Zoom information below to join the meeting live or via conference call.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 551 503 5558

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