Penn Branch CCA

Penn Branch Membership Rewards


Your Penn Branch Membership has additional benefits….more discounts to come!

Penn Branch Membership Rewards
Penn Branch Membership Rewards

Here’s one more reason to join or renew your membership: Your 2015-16 Penn Branch membership card entitles you to discounts at local merchants.  We will continue to notify you in newsletters and on this website about participating merchants.   You MUST present your current Penn Branch Membership card to qualify for discounts.  Please note minimums.

Participants as of 2/1/16 (more to come)

Alpha Customer Cleaners Penn Branch Shopping Center – 10 percent off dry cleaning, tailoring and other services *$10.00 minimum purchase

Beltway Beauty – Penn Branch Shopping Center – 10 percent off any items *$10.00 minimum purchase

Penn Branch Liquors – Penn Branch Shopping Center – 10 percent off any items *$25.00 minimum purchase

DC Fire and EMS Chief Gregory Dean – Dec. 8 Holiday Meeting and Dinner

Gregory DeanThe distinguished Gregory Dean, D.C. Fire and EMS Chief, will join us at our Holiday Meeting and Dinner on December 8. The Chief will discuss DC Fire and EMS upgrades and what the future holds to keep the city’s neighborhoods safe; assessing our needs and assisting DC citizens requiring immediate medical attention and transport.

So please join us for our annual holiday dinner and give cheer for a prosperous 2015 with your neighbors, friends and our honored guests. We will also be recognizing individuals who have contributed to Penn Branch. Along with those new neighbors born into this great life this past year, we also remember those who’ve moved away, who have passed on, who are shut-in and who are afflicted with ailment.

Dec 8th Annual PBCCA Holiday Dinner and December Meeting

PBCCA Holiday Celebration
PBCCA Holiday Celebration
Please join us on December 8th at 7:00 PM at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church rear basement community room, as we celebrate this years’ blessings at this year’s PBCCA Annual Holiday Dinner Party, titled the “Culinary Branches of Holiday Cheer”.  

This year we will focus on sharing the culinary delights of those in the neighborhood that wish to contribute their favorite entrée, main course, side dish, dessert. We are also looking for vegetarian and gluten-free dishes for neighbors with special dietary needs. Suggested dishes include chicken, fish, vegetables, potato salad,

If you are not a culinary wizard, a financial contribution to support the celebration will be greatly appreciated. Festivities will be immediately following our brief community meeting.

Please contact Hospitality Chair, Janet Strickland, by telephone or email at, (202) 584-0880 or [email protected] to coordinate your dinner dish selections.

Admission is free for those PBCCA members. Guests should pay a reasonable $10.00 and children under 12 years old are free. Payment can be made using cash, check or credit cards.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Guest Speaker at Nov. 10 PBCCA Meeting

congresswoman-eleanor-holmes-norton_seal-770x434The Honorable Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton will be the guest speaker at the next Penn Branch Citizens Civic Assocation (PBCCA) 7:00 pm Tuesday, November 10 PBCCA meeting at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church 3000 Pennsylvania Avenue SE.

A long-time civil rights activist, lawyer, professor and champion and representative for the citizens of the District of Columbia,  Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, now in her thirteenth term as the Congresswoman for the District of Columbia.  Congresswoman Norton is the Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. She serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Among her accomplishments are senatorial courtesy to recommend federal judges, the U.S. Attorney, and other significant federal law enforcement positions for the District; up to $10,000 per year for all D.C. high school graduates to attend any public U.S. college or university and up to $2,500 per year to many private colleges and universities; a unique $5,000 D.C. homebuyer tax credit, which has sharply increased home ownership in the District and was a major factor in stabilizing the city’s population; and D.C. business tax incentives, including a significant wage credit for employing D.C. residents, which has maintained businesses and residents in the District.

We are very pleased to have Congresswoman Norton attend the November 10th PBCCA meeting.

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