Penn Branch CCA

PBCA Listening Session with O Street SE Neighbors


On Feb. 23, members of the Penn Branch Community Association executive board met virtually with a handful of Penn Branch’s O Street neighbors for a listening session. The PBCA board reached out to introduce ourselves and to gain a better understanding of neighborhood-specific challenges.  Residents of O Street shared their thoughts regarding development in the Penn Branch Shopping Center and construction of the new CVS which is expected to be built on the existing laundry mat property.

Residents reported that they did not have concerns about retaining wall maintenance but are interested in engineering studies prior to future development, including in the areas adjacent to the shopping center and along the walled hillside, due to settling and water flows in the area. Residents also raised concerns about potential CVS parking lot overflow onto their street, increased traffic, aggressive driving, and trash and vagrancy on O Street.

Participants explored traffic calming measures and other ways to work collaboratively to benefit the community.


“Parks, Recreation and Environment:” Watch Our Tuesday, February 9th Community Meeting

Click on the image above to watch a video of our Tuesday, Feb.9th, General Body Meeting. PBCA hosted panel discussion about our area parks and environment. Guest panelist included: Watani Hatcher, DC Parks and Recreation (DPR), Trey Sherard, Anacostia River Keepers, Josh Burch with DC Office of Energy and Environment (DOEE), Michael Chambers, II and Ann Hounious from National Park Service / National Capital Parks East (NPS/ NACE)

Topic: PBCA Monthly General Body Meeting
Time: Feb 9, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Second Tue, until Jun 8, 2021, 5 occurrence(s)
Feb 9, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 9, 2021 07:00 PM
Apr 13, 2021 07:00 PM
May 11, 2021 07:00 PM
Jun 8, 2021 07:00 PM
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Relieving Cabin Fever

Stan Benton, PBCA President
Stan Benton, PBCA President

As COVID-19 keeps trying all of our patience, we hope to relieve some of your cabin fever by having a panel of speakers at this week’s meeting that’ll talk about the parks and recreation in the area.

Hopefully, this will give you new ideas on things you can do safely outside the house.  The COVID vaccine rollout isn’t going as smooth as it could be. Those that meet the requirements (65 and older and/or working in a health care setting in DC) should regularly check out DC’s Coronavirus website at to see where they can sign up to receive the vaccine. I highly recommend everyone to go to that website and sign up for their alerts via email or text. This will help keep you up to date on the latest COVID issues for DC residents. Let’s check in on our neighbors to see if they need assistance with those tasks.

As you know, the Block Captains are an essential part of our PBCA communications. If you don’t know who your Block Captain is or if you are not receiving email updates from us, please let us know by dropping us a note at: [email protected], or by giving me a call at 240-416-9221 . And lastly, we have many new neighbors. If you’re not a PBCA member yet, please either reach out to your Block Captain or get on our website at to join.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

Stan Benton,
PBCA President

Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church to Offer COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic This Week


Your support is needed in helping to make sure DC residents 65 and older, especially those in Wards 5, 7, and 8, who want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine can get it.  Here’s how you can help. The Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (PABC) is participating in a pilot to serve as a vaccine clinic for two days this week on Thursday, February 11, and Saturday, February 13, 2020 from 10am – 4pm both days. Please help your neighbors to get registered immediately!

Registration Link:


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