DC - Page 3

Shall We Dance?

Stan Benton, PBCA President
Stan Benton, PBCA President

I’m starting to see a sliver of light at the end of this COVID-19 tunnel as more vaccines become available.

Perhaps we’ll soon be able to have our meetings in-person and maybe even bring to fruition one of the PBCA Board’s long-term goals for 2022: Bringing back The Annual Penn Branch Dinner Dance.

The Dinner Dance was started in 1987 by the former PBCCA President, Eloise Prince, and was held annually until 2015. The event provided an excellent way for new and longstanding neighbors to get to know one another.  I always enjoyed seeing the younger folks, along with our seniors, all on the dance floor performing the latest line-dance together.

After being held up in our homes for the past year, now is the time to start planning for this event–as well as other ways to get us back together again. To do this, we’ll need your help. Please make a donation to PBCA and share with us any creative ideas you may have. Until then, lets’ keep fingers crossed for continued progress in beating back this virus.

See you at the meeting!


The late Mrs. Eloise Prince was a former PBCA President and is believed to have organized the first Dinner Dance
The late Mrs. Eloise Prince was a former PBCA President and is believed to have organized the first Dinner Dance

PBCA Dinner Dance-Early 1990s

‘The Last Dance:’

A quick look back at images from past ‘ Dinner Dance’ events where Penn Branch residents came out looking their best to celebrate, mix and mingle with community and city leadership.

DC Office of Planning To Host Townhall About Small Area Plan for Pennsylvania Avenue East

DC-Office of PlanningThe DC Office of Planning (OP) is developing a Small Area Plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue East corridor. The plan will focus on enhancing a safe, accessible, and vibrant public realm; encouraging economic development and retail opportunities; improving transportation access and connectivity; and exploring housing opportunities to improve access for upward mobility. It is important that throughout this planning process you make your voice heard! To get involved, visit the project website (publicinput.com/PennAveSEPlan) to learn more, register for updates, provide critical feedback through the online survey, and sign-up for the first community townhall meeting!

The first community townhall will be held on Wednesday, April 14 at 6:00pm. The virtual meeting will be broadcast online at: publicinput.com/PennAveSEPlan. If you are unable to join online, you can also dial-in at: 855-925-2801 (pin: 9252).

Thanks for getting involved in the Pennsylvania Avenue East Small Area Plan. If you have questions about the plan, you can reach out to the OP project team at [email protected] or call: 855-925-2801 (pin: 9252).

Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church to Offer COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic This Week


Your support is needed in helping to make sure DC residents 65 and older, especially those in Wards 5, 7, and 8, who want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine can get it.  Here’s how you can help. The Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (PABC) is participating in a pilot to serve as a vaccine clinic for two days this week on Thursday, February 11, and Saturday, February 13, 2020 from 10am – 4pm both days. Please help your neighbors to get registered immediately!

Registration Link:   http://www.fivemedicine.com/request-a-appointment.php


Change Is Happening

January 8, 2021

This is a new year in many different ways. Our Association has a new name, with a new board operating under newly updated by-laws. And despite the recent horrific actions that happened on the Capitol, we will even have a new President of the United States inaugurated into office later this month Change is happening.

Stan Benton, PBCA President
Stan Benton, PBCA President

As the new PBCA President, I thank the officers and others in the previous administration for their hard work and commitment over the past two years. 2020 will be a year to remember. Last year brought on a pandemic, the presidential election, and social protests that challenged all of us. However, we have proved resilient as a community, and many neighbors reached out to help others as we all quarantined in place. In the middle of all of the challenges, we still managed to make significant updates to our by-laws to strengthen our organization and community and align us with best practices. After years of videoing our meetings so that those unable to attend could watch them online, I volunteered to become Block Captain Chair. After some serious thought, I ran for President along with a slate of well-qualified individuals with a history of civic and community involvement.

After productive discussions between past and present PBCA Exec Officers and reviewing input from our members, the new board has decided on several goals we would like to achieve including, increasing our membership, decreasing the morning cut-through traffic from Pennsylvania Avenue and making sure our community’s voice is heard especially when it comes to economic development in the area.

To help achieve these goals we need you: We are looking for volunteers to head up a variety of our committees, including my old position of Block Captain Chairperson. Please see the list of committees listed in this newsletter and apply. We’ve proven to be resilient in the face of many challenges, and by working together, we can make this year a better one. We are looking forward to working with you.

Again, Happy New Year, and may 2021 and beyond be amazing.

Stan Benton,
PBCA President