Penn Branch News - Page 2

Penn Branch Neighbors ‘Meet Up’ for Group Tour at Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum (ACM)


Big museums tell the national story and our community museums tell our local stories…

On Saturday, February 25th about 25 Penn Branch neighbors met at the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum (ACM) on Saturday, February 25th for a special group tour of their exhibition., “The Utopia Project” The exhibition explored how communities around the world effectively found creative ways to improve their environment and affect power.

The tour was led by ACM Executive Director, Dr. Melanie Adams. At the end of the tour she invited each our our neighbors to use a printed “DreamBook” to add ideas and collect inspiration to design own ideas for positive change.

We look forward to visiting our community museum again next year!

#ACM #poweredbythepeople #SEDC

Penn Branch Community Association Receives $25,000 ‘Sustainable Communities’ Award from PEPCO and Sustainable Maryland


From Left: Donna Cooper (PEPCO Regional President) and PBCA Public Works Chair Alberta Paul and President Stan Benton Receive 25K Award-
From the left: PEPCO Regional President Donna Cooper presents Sustainable Communities award to Penn Branch Public Works Chair Alberta Paul and former President Stan Benton.

DECEMBER 9, 2022

Penn Branch Community Association was awarded $25,000 to make improvements to 9/11 Memorial Park by Pepco and Sustainable Maryland. This funding is made available through Pepco’s Sustainable Communities Grant program, which provides funding to support open space preservation, improvements to parks and recreation resources, environmental conservation, and innovative community resiliency projects.

Our community association was one of 11 local municipalities, recreational authorities, and nonprofits that were chosen to receive $125,000 in funds from Pepco and Sustainable Maryland to support open space and resiliency projects across the District of Columbia and Maryland.

“These are important and impactful projects that will have sustainable impacts on our communities.  We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to support such projects,” said Donna Cooper, Pepco region president. “We are committed to helping our customers and communities achieve our collective climate goals, equitably and inclusively. These grants are one of the many ways we are working to foster a cleaner and safer environment for all.”

Pepco launched the Sustainable Communities Grant program in 2020.

Penn Branch Community Holiday Gathering Tuesday, December 13th


Save the Date!  Please join us on Tuesday, December 13th for our December holiday gathering  /meeting. The meeting will be held in-person at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (lower level meeting space) from 7:00PM – 9:00PM.  This will be our first in-person community meeting since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020.

  •  New Officer Elections
  •  Light Refreshments 
  •  Special Presentations
  •  Music 
  •  Fellowship
More event details will be announced soon!

Penn Branch Community Day-Saturday, August 13th

On August 13, 2022, The Penn Branch Community Association will host our annual Penn Branch Community Day, from 11am to 6pm.  This year will be extra special because it is our first community day in three years!  This event includes food, music, dancing, kids’ activities, and more!  It is a great way to fellowship with our Penn Branch neighbors and celebrate our diverse community.
The success of this event relies in part on your generous support. The Penn Branch Community Association is kindly requesting a monetary donation to support this community event.  As a token of our appreciation for your donation, we will provide a banner with names of all our donors for this event.
Here’s how you can make a donation:

1. CASH APP: To make a donation through cashapp: $PennBranch (Please note “Community Day”)

2.  PAYPAL: To make a A donation through PayPal: @PennBranch or use link: Penn Branch website

3.  CHECK: A monetary donation by check payable to: Penn Branch Community Association. (Please note “For Community Day.”) Please contact  Hospitality Committee chair Ms. Toni Reeves for pick up:  202.905.6448.

Your donation is also tax deductible.

Please make your donations by August 1st. Thank you in advance for your donation.  

'We Are Penn Branch Oral History Project"



Join us at 10:00am for a cup of coffee and pastries as participants from the recent “We Are Penn Branch” oral history project who will be invited to join a live panel discussion about the history of Penn Branch neighborhood.  The first phase of this project focued on collecting the personal narratives from residents who lived here between 1960-1968 (and before), as our neighborhood first became racially integrated.This live, outdoor morning coffee chat will be hosted by Humanities DC/DC Oral History Collaborative and livestreamed on Instagram.

10:00AM – 11:30AM
1500 Block of 38th Street SE(Outside /Weather permitting)*SEATING, COFFEE & REFRESHMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED.