PBCA has been working hard to renovate and improve our 9/11 Memorial Gateway Park. The ultimate goal is to greatly improve usability, access, and sustainable plan for water and erosion. We also want to make this pocket park a destination that tells the story of our great Penn Branch neighborhood and memorializes those D.C. residents who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on the September 11, 2001.

PHASE I: Infrastructure, Design Improvements
Installation of electrical power, energy efficient LED lighting for the main sign, and community-approved plans for the redesign of the main area to expand the common areas and restore all pathways (80% Hardscaping).
Also; to update and restore primary park signs and memorial plaques bearing the names of DC residents who lost their lives on 9/11.

PHASE II: Improved Gardening and Installation of Hardscaping (Memorial Pavers)
Leveling main area; Small Retaining Wall; Widen and restore all wood framing around steps and pathways
Our second phase efforts centered around making the pocket park a functioning town square or gathering space for the neighborhood. This includes wider walking paths and improving the grading of the severely sloped landscaping .
The expanding redesign/ landscaping will create a defined memorial garden area and the addition of a (3.5ft high) retaining wall that runs horizontally through the park, parallel with the 3100 Block of O Street ST SE) to level the primary surface area. All wood framing around walking paths and steps were replaced at the front entrance/ sign area (facing Penn Ave SE), and as well as other areas in the 9/11 Memorial Park in an effort to preserve the integrity of the landscape from erosion.
Resurfacing /Restoration of Pathways
Restoration of pathways and expanding the primary surface areas (80% Hardscaping/20% Memorial Garden), increasing the capacity for public gatherings and improving overall accessibility to the park from Carpenter Street and O Street SE entrances.