Penn Branch CCA

Our New Executive Board

pbcca 2014 exec board

Our new Penn Branch Executive Board was sworn in during the Penn Branch Annual Dinner Dance.   The new officers were given their oath by long-time Penn Branch resident Laura Richards, Esq. The new officers promised to execute their duties to the best of their abilities, and with an “I do” there terms begun.  PBCCA President Jimmie Williams said, “We’re very pleased to take the reign as community stewards, and look forward to strengthening Penn Branch, and building community engagement and interaction.”    Vice-President, Roy Ward said, “we plan to actively engage and work as neighbors while simultaneously working with neighboring communities to become more than areas ‘east of the river.”  The new officers, also include; Valerie Francis, Treasurer; Gerri Washington, Recording Secretary Angela Hammond, Correspondence Secretary; and, Paul Grant, Parliamentarian.

Learn more about our new board members!

Our thanks and gratitude to the past executive board for their hard work, late nights, and commitment over the past two years to advance the community: Kweku Toure, Esq., president; Ayanna Smith, vice president; Lisa Baker, recording secretary, Jimmie Williams; treasurer/correspondence secretary; and, Richard Hawkins, parliamentarian.

Also, a special thanks to all the residents of PBCCA who served on committees, volunteered at events, attended hearings and meetings, and especially the Block Captains for being the eyes and ears of the community.



In Memoriam: Lt. Colonel Buffington E. Falls

Buffington E. Falls
Lt. Colonel Buffington E. Falls

The Penn Branch community celebrates the life and mourns the loss of long-time resident, Lt. Colonel Buffington E. Falls.

Buffington Falls was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday, July 8, 2014. We extend our sincere condolences to his loving wife Janet and their many family and friends.

The family has provided this list of Colonel Falls’ favorite charities for any one who wishes to make a donation in his honor.

  • Breast Cancer Research
  • Wounded Warriors
  • Veterans of Foreign Affairs
  • Feed The Children
  • Red Cloud Indian School

Please forward any condolences to the family at:

Penn Branch Civic Association
P.O. Box 6730 SE Washington, DC 20020-2325


Penn Branch Shines at Annual Dinner Dance


June 21, 2014

[Pictured l-r long-time residents: BJ Hurd, Barbara Hurd, and Gloria Hurd-Evans]
Penn Branch Dinner Dance 2014

Friday the 13th turned out to be a very good day for those who attended the Penn Branch Community Association’s annual dinner dance and swearing-in of new officers.  The event was held at the Washington Navy Yard and hosted by long-term resident, Mr. Gilbert Bussey.

Attendees enjoyed a great program, wonderful food, and ended the night with great conversation and dancing.  The night was fun and provided an opportunity for long-time and new neighbors to meet and interact with residents from neighboring communities, ANC commissioners, and others.  Ward 7 Councilwoman Yvette Alexander and mayoral candidate Muriel Bowser were also in attendance and welcomed attendees.

PBCCA dinner dance co-chairs, Toni Reeves and Eloise Price said “we were pleased with the stronger than expected turnout, and we were especially pleased with support from neighboring community associations.”

Pamela Toure, wife of past president, Kweku Toure, gave out prizes to winners of the community quiz.  The dinner dance would not have been a success without the hard work of many of those in the community who sold tickets and advertisements.

A special thanks to CH2M Hill, HDR, Inc., Marriot Hotels (George Washington), Councilwoman Yvette Alexander, Crystal Florist, R3 Graphics and Beddgroup for supporting the program, and to Reverend Kendrick Curry Ph.D., and wife Reverend Karen Curry for their many contributions and support of the community.

Also, thanks to Councilmembers, Muriel Bowser, Phil Mendelson, Tommy Wells, David Grosso , Ward 7 school board member and Hillcrest Community Civic Association President Karen Williams, and Ward 7 Democrats President Ed Portillo! Also, special thanks to Eloise Prince, Toni Reeves, Angela Hammond, Alberta Paul, Pamela Toure, Kweku Toure, Jimmie Williams and to all those who worked on the dinner dance committee to ensure another year of success!

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