Penn Branch Executive Officer Election – Seeking Nominations
We are still seeking nominations for the executive officer elections.
Please notify Matthew Pinardi ([email protected]) before April’s meeting if you are a member in good standing interested in being nominated for a position.
The following officer positions are available for nomination:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Treasurer
- Parliamentarian
The following are some common descriptions of each position.
There are no official descriptions in the civic association’s bylaws.
- President
- Responsible for preparing and running community meetings. The president calls meetings to order, manages the agenda, takes votes and adjourns meetings. The president is the public face of the civic association.
- Vice President
- Responsible for performing the duties of the president when they are unable. The vice president is the second public face of the civic association.
- Secretary
- Responsible for taking notes during PBCA meetings for the creation of meeting minutes. The minutes are then prepared and presented at the following association meeting.
- Corresponding Secretary
- Responsible for managing all outside correspondence for the PBCA. The corresponding secretary is the public voice of the civic association.
- Treasurer
- Responsible for the management of all PBCA finances. Delivers a treasures report at each civic association meeting.
- Parliamentarian
- Responsible for interpreting and applying rules of order for each PBCA meeting. Gives advice on parliamentary procedure to the officers, committees and members of the civic association.