PBCA - Page 2

SAVE THE DATE! Penn Branch Fall Meet-up: Happy Hour at Highlands Cafe and Grill, Thursday, October 5th


Come hang out with neighbors on Thursday, October 5th from 5:30-7:30PM at the Highland’s Cafe and Grill, located in the rear of Penn Branch Shopping Center. Also, be sure to thank our good friend, owner Chef Moe Garay and this amazing team for their donation to our recent community day and block party.

Don’t forget to wear your Penn Branch T-shirt!!

Penn Branch Expands Spring Community Clean Up Efforts to Include Penn Ave, Ft. Davis Drive


Penn Branch neighbors came together on Saturday, April 8th, 2023 to help clean 9/11 Memorial Gateway Park and along the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor to Ft. Davis Drive before the entrance to Ft. Dupont Park. Several neighbors expressed concern to PBCA executive board members about the amount of trash that was visible from the street and from along the Circle-Park Hiking and Biking Trail that borders our neighborhood.

And they wanted to do something about it.

The DC Department of Public Works and the National Park Service (NPS) donated cleaning cleaning supplies, trash bags, bug spray, and grabbers. Then, our roughly 30 neighbors went to work on brisk spring morning. They were picking up trash and removing weeds. Others cut grass and help trim roses in our park.

Thanks to all who pitched-in. A few hours work did really made a difference!

#Springcleanup #SEDC #community #WearePennBranch #DC #Ftcircleparks

Penn Branch Community Association Receives $25,000 ‘Sustainable Communities’ Award from PEPCO and Sustainable Maryland


From Left: Donna Cooper (PEPCO Regional President) and PBCA Public Works Chair Alberta Paul and President Stan Benton Receive 25K Award-
From the left: PEPCO Regional President Donna Cooper presents Sustainable Communities award to Penn Branch Public Works Chair Alberta Paul and former President Stan Benton.

DECEMBER 9, 2022

Penn Branch Community Association was awarded $25,000 to make improvements to 9/11 Memorial Park by Pepco and Sustainable Maryland. This funding is made available through Pepco’s Sustainable Communities Grant program, which provides funding to support open space preservation, improvements to parks and recreation resources, environmental conservation, and innovative community resiliency projects.

Our community association was one of 11 local municipalities, recreational authorities, and nonprofits that were chosen to receive $125,000 in funds from Pepco and Sustainable Maryland to support open space and resiliency projects across the District of Columbia and Maryland.

“These are important and impactful projects that will have sustainable impacts on our communities.  We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to support such projects,” said Donna Cooper, Pepco region president. “We are committed to helping our customers and communities achieve our collective climate goals, equitably and inclusively. These grants are one of the many ways we are working to foster a cleaner and safer environment for all.”

Pepco launched the Sustainable Communities Grant program in 2020.

Planting Cherished Memories

Stan Benton, PBCA President

As we move into the month of May, we celebrate the mothers, grandmothers, aunties, kinship caregivers, and other members of our community who provide love and guidance to us all.  For those whose mothers have passed, we hope this can be a time to reflect on cherished memories. Happy Mother’s Day!   A big ‘Thank You’ to the many neighbors who donated funds to improve our Penn Branch 9-11 Memorial Park! In the coming months, the PBCA Executive Committee will announce a fundraiser related to continuing to improve the park while celebrating families—past and present—who are connected to our community.  We really look forward to seeing everyone at the park planting on May 15th at 9 am. Although CDC and city guidelines for outside mask-wearing have changed, since we will be working in a small space, please plan to wear a face-covering to keep all of our neighbors safe.
Please continue to be safe and take care of each other and I’ll see you at the meeting!

Stan Benton,
PBCA President

Economic Development Along Penn Ave SE (Parts I & 2)


On Tuesday, March 9th and April 13th we discussed economic development in our area

During our General Body Meeting on Tuesday, April 13th, PBCA will host part two of our discussion about economic development in our community. Our guests this month will be, Anthony J. Startt from Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners, owners of The Shops at Penn Branch and Faith Broderick from the DC Office of Planning (OCP) will be returning.

About the OCP Small Area Plan

Also don’t forget to attend the upcoming OCP community townhall on Wednesday, April 14 at 6:00pm to address the development of a Small Area Plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue East corridor. https://publicinput.com/PennAveSEPlan

The plan will focus on enhancing a safe, accessible, and vibrant public realm; encouraging economic development and retail opportunities; improving transportation access and connectivity; and exploring housing opportunities to improve access for upward mobility.


April Meeting Agenda

MEETING ID:  834 4076 4341
PASSCODE:      766049


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Economic Development Part 1

PBCA General Body Meeting, March 9th 2021

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APRIL 13, 2021