Community Activities - Page 3

SAVE THE DATE! Penn Branch Fall Meet-up: Happy Hour at Highlands Cafe and Grill, Thursday, October 5th


Come hang out with neighbors on Thursday, October 5th from 5:30-7:30PM at the Highland’s Cafe and Grill, located in the rear of Penn Branch Shopping Center. Also, be sure to thank our good friend, owner Chef Moe Garay and this amazing team for their donation to our recent community day and block party.

Don’t forget to wear your Penn Branch T-shirt!!

Let’s Stay Informed! Join Penn Branch Neighbors on #GroupMe


PBCA established a Penn Branch Community on GROUPME so neighbors can share and receive text messages with other neighbors about crime, emergencies, community notices, and pass along other critical information about what is going on in our neighborhood.

The GroupME app will send a text message to your cellphone. Please DO NOT use this platform for: Self-Promotion, Political / Policy Debates, and/or Advertising merchandise sales or paid community events.

Only critical notices only. Also, remember to never share information related to suspected crime in the neighborhood. ALWAYS report suspicious activities to the police first, dialing either 911, at 31, or 50411, to place an anonymous first.

Stay safe. Stay informed. And when you see something, say something.


Penn Branch Expands Spring Community Clean Up Efforts to Include Penn Ave, Ft. Davis Drive


Penn Branch neighbors came together on Saturday, April 8th, 2023 to help clean 9/11 Memorial Gateway Park and along the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor to Ft. Davis Drive before the entrance to Ft. Dupont Park. Several neighbors expressed concern to PBCA executive board members about the amount of trash that was visible from the street and from along the Circle-Park Hiking and Biking Trail that borders our neighborhood.

And they wanted to do something about it.

The DC Department of Public Works and the National Park Service (NPS) donated cleaning cleaning supplies, trash bags, bug spray, and grabbers. Then, our roughly 30 neighbors went to work on brisk spring morning. They were picking up trash and removing weeds. Others cut grass and help trim roses in our park.

Thanks to all who pitched-in. A few hours work did really made a difference!

#Springcleanup #SEDC #community #WearePennBranch #DC #Ftcircleparks

Penn Branch Neighbors ‘Meet Up’ for Group Tour at Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum (ACM)


Big museums tell the national story and our community museums tell our local stories…

On Saturday, February 25th about 25 Penn Branch neighbors met at the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum (ACM) on Saturday, February 25th for a special group tour of their exhibition., “The Utopia Project” The exhibition explored how communities around the world effectively found creative ways to improve their environment and affect power.

The tour was led by ACM Executive Director, Dr. Melanie Adams. At the end of the tour she invited each our our neighbors to use a printed “DreamBook” to add ideas and collect inspiration to design own ideas for positive change.

We look forward to visiting our community museum again next year!

#ACM #poweredbythepeople #SEDC

Penn Branch Community Holiday Gathering Tuesday, December 13th


Save the Date!  Please join us on Tuesday, December 13th for our December holiday gathering  /meeting. The meeting will be held in-person at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (lower level meeting space) from 7:00PM – 9:00PM.  This will be our first in-person community meeting since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020.

  •  New Officer Elections
  •  Light Refreshments 
  •  Special Presentations
  •  Music 
  •  Fellowship
More event details will be announced soon!
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