Penn Branch CCA

Inaugural ‘Penn Brancher of the Year’ and ‘Distinguished Community Service’ Awards presented to Alberta Paul and Former President Stan Benton

Penn Branch President Stan Benton Receives award for Distinguished Service-

“Everybody can serve
regardless of what your skillset is.”

-Alberta Paul, 

Chair, Penn Branch Public Works Committee

During our December Holiday Gathering, PBCA  recognized outstanding examples of community service in our neighborhood. Alberta Paul, received the ‘Penn Brancher of the Year’ Award for her efforts in securing an $25,000 grant from PEPCO and Sustainable Maryland to continue renovations in 9/11 Memorial Park and the  ‘Distinguished Community Service’ award was given to outgoing President Stan Benton.  Stan will complete his successful two year term as president at the end of January 2023.

Outstanding community service should never be regarded as a thankless task, ‘ said incoming PBCA President Paul Grant as he presented the first award during PBCA’s Annual Holiday Gathering. ‘We must show those who give back that we also know how to say, ‘thank you’.”

‘I am very grateful to my community for recognizing the hard lifting that has been done on their behalf throughout the years,’ said Alberta Paul after receiving her Penn Brancher of the Year award. I’ll continue to do that. Everybody can serve, regardless of what your skillset is. And I encourage you. Step up or step out. Okay. Don’t complain. Please don’t complain. Help us to make this the greatest community in the nation. Not just the district -In the nation.”

In the future, PBCA members will be able to nominate their neighbors who have shown extraordinary community service throughout the year and vote for awardees.

Staying Connected in Challenging Times

Stan Benton, PresidentHappy almost Spring, Neighbors. It’s a bit of a difficult time at the moment with the war in Ukraine and lots of global tension in the air. Locally, we also had our fair share of issues with two attempted car-jackings in our community.Locally, we also had our fair share of issues with two attempted car-jackings in our community.

Terry Clyburn, our Safety Chairperson, will arrange a Public Safety / Carjacking Safety training session, facilitated by MPD later this month.  In addition, we’ll have a ‘Ward Walk’ with 6th District MPD Commander Darnel Robinson on March 26th, from 9:00am-11:00am.  He’ll walk the neighborhood with us to discuss the various crimes and other safety issues of concern. We will keep you in the loop as dates solidify.

In other news, this will be the final month that we print the Penn Branch newsletter, due to the rising printing costs and our limited bandwidth to produce and physically distribute it each month. Please make sure you have signed-up to receive our e-mail, so you can stay up-to-date. If you’re not presently on our mailing list, go to our website at and enter your info in the green “Join Our Mailing List” box. It’s important that we stay connected in difficult times.

Lastly, our neighbor and highly respected ANC 7B04 Commissioner, Cydne Nash, has resigned due to health reasons. She has been a fantastic advocate and we’d like to express our gratitude for her service. Most of all, we wish her a speedy recovery. Please stay safe everyone and I’ll see you at the meeting.

Stan Benton, PBCA President

Tonight’s Meeting: Understanding Co-Op / Community-owned Grocery Stores


Tonight PBCA will build on recent communty wide conversations about the proposed Phase II development at Penn Branch Shopping Center by discussing community-owned grocery stores. Mike Houston, General Manager, of the Takoma Park-Silver Spring Co-Op is our invited guest speaker for our General Body Meeting tonight at 7:00pm.

Jair Lynch Proposes Phase II Apartment Development at ‘The Shops at Penn Branch’

The owner of The Shops at Penn Branch (Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners) recently made public their plans to develop Phase II, an apartment building that will be built over the rear parking lot of the renovated shopping center located at along Pennsylvania and Branch Avenues.
Their current building design and plan includes:

  • Four stories plus penthouse
  • 175-185 single and family size rental units
  • A parking lot underneath the building (73 spaces)
  • Landscaped transition sections where the site borders single family homes on O Street
  • 10% of the units designated as “affordable” at 60% Area Median Income (AMI) as required by zoning regulations
  • 90% of the units are at market price at 80% AMI
  • A possible retail space at 5000-6000 square footage on the ground floor



Download Jan 13th PDF

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